There exists a ratio
between transactions for legal goods and services and illegal goods and
services. Let me represent that ratio for the sake of discussion with a term,
the criminality index and represent the term with the following equation:
Where CI equals criminality index and IT equals the value of
all illegal transactions and LT equals the value of legal transactions during a
given time.
Typically the ratio is less than 1 and approaches equality
with 1 as a region increases laws created to prevent goods and services within
the population. Since there will always
be a demand for criminal activity unacceptable to the majority of people within
the region then the ratio will never equal zero if the period of monitoring is
For example there will always be a limited demand for murder
for hire; modern societies will always consider it a criminal act, and so the
parties to the transaction require cash for the transaction. If actual cash
does not exist, then the parties to the transaction barter with goods or
services to complete the transaction.
Banning barter only causes the IT/LT ratio to increase and
drags people that like to barter for legal goods and services into the region
of anonymous activity increasing the camouflage for parties to the original
illegal act. The government response actually helps parties to complete illegal
transactions by making such transactions less rare.
If a society and its government implement a cashless society
then its chance for success rests on the anonymity parties to a transaction
experience. Governments that log the parties to a transaction, the amount of a
transaction, the location of parties to a transaction, and all other data
allowing a forensic transaction analyst to determine if the transaction is a criminal
act or not, will cause the cashless currency to fail, and if the government has
a high criminality index then the currency will never experience ubiquitous
acceptance by a population.
If governments do not log transaction activity then the
chance for ubiquitous acceptance of a completely cashless region is much
likelier regardless of a regional criminality index. I say that without proof and make the
assumption for two reasons, namely:
1) People recognize that future events shape their future
behavior. If government monitors behavior and anonymous behaviors become usual
for observers regardless of the criminality of observed activity, then
observers cannot notice a change caused by potential future criminal activity.
2) Non-criminal
activity may have consequences for personal reasons such as transponder payment
data from a defendant in divorce court that travels on a toll roll to conduct
an extra-marital affair.
It does not matter that access to logged data is limited in
scope; people react to their perception of potential threats not actual ones;
witness the absurd behavior of some US State government officials reacting to
health workers returning from countries experiencing Ebola outbreaks.
The chance for ubiquitous acceptance of a cashless society
also rests with the criminality index. If laws only exist against assault and
theft and there is no monitoring of financial transactions, then people do not
care if ultimately prosecutors develop a criminal prosecution by using defendant
financial data lawfully obtained with court ordered warrants.
Next Blog: Beyond
issued digital currency, beyond push payments, lies a thought payment system