This blog is dedicated to discussions on payment systems architecture worldwide. All payment system types are up for discussion, gross real time payments, deferred netting systems, payment vs. demand, small value, large value, internet currencies, hybrids, or galactic payment modules; soup to nuts.
Payment system infrastructure and design by necessity brings out conspiracy theories and hate speech which have nothing to do with the mechanics of payment systems. That being the case I though I would lay out where I see payment systems and government coexist. I start with my definition of government (which may be a wee to the left for some, but it gives context to my understanding of payment system architecture. What follows I hope will be an entertaining discussion.
Government must provide the following services to its
Creation and periodic removal of laws
Law enforcement
Universal healthcare
Housing for the homeless
Daycare for working childcare providers
Food for the hungry
Clothing for the ragged
Transportation if the situation warrants
Universal education
Treasury services
Foreign diplomatic services
Unbiased scientific evaluation of significant
Protection from pluralistic bias (equal
protection under the law)
Independent self examination for corruption
Archival Services
Unbiased and independent judicial processes
Regulation of finance
A Central Bank (The Fed)
Regulation of environment
Regulation of industry making life and death
decisions for its employees or the public
Full retirement funding
Infrastructure development
Disaster recovery services
Funding itself
All people within the borders of the Government will have
the following universal right:
There will be no criminal penalties for willing
adults participating in free commerce if the goods or services exchanged are
not the product of theft or assault. Government however can regulate trading in commerce affecting children, endangered species, or products resulting from harmful environmental techniques,
the only exceptions to free commerce. Combined Government taxation of such
commerce should never exceed 15% of the cost of the goods or services people
and firms exchange.
A government must fund itself to provide the necessary
functions of government. As time
progresses political administrations of changing times will adjust the
priorities of funding and during emergencies may suspend funding of some
functions all together. Except for emergencies, budgets include funding for all
Types of Taxes
Worldwide government tax types include:
Sale of goods and services (VAT included)
Fees for businesses
Fines from legal judgments
Intellectual designs and creations
Use of property
Imports and exports
Regulatory fees (licenses, excise, etc)
Without judging the merits of a particular tax, it is easy
to see there are too many methods for taxation, creating redundant government
administrators for the same function.
Judging the list provides targets for elimination.
Regulatory fees, fines, and sale taxes survive.
Taxes need to cover the cost of all government functions,
and depending on its administration, may create a rainy day jar.
Let C = Cost for functions; T=Taxes; P = GDP; then
T = (C/P) * P
For example given a $16 Trillion GDP and a government cost
of $4 trillion then taxes need to be set at 25% of sales. because 4/16 *
16 = 4.
There exists a relationship between GDP and T such that as T
decreases, sales increase (if T is a percentage of sales) and sales decrease as taxes increase.
So, taxes on sales are elastic, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Elasticity of Taxes

When a government outlaws an activity, or substance, it in
this model drives the tax rate to 100% and so no tax revenue results. The
actors providing outlawed goods and services in actuality treat their activity
as not taxed so their incentive to sell and buy increases. The orange actual
taxes line shows an estimated elasticity of lower or increased taxes.
When civilian actors trade across governmental boarders, a
potential for unfair tax practices exists. When governments use import and
export taxes instead of negotiating the sales tax receipt of international
transactions, then governments introduce harmful inefficiencies into what
should be a worldwide sales tax system. If large regional bodies such as the
European Union, Russia, China, US, etc., can negotiate a 50/50 split of the
worldwide tax rate then civilian actors do not discriminate about their
operational regions. If a sales transaction occurs within one region that
results in goods or services arriving in another region (or regions) then the
civilian actors’ governments equally split the sales tax. Increased
administration cost for such a system is minimal if taxes from transactions use
an internationally recognized standard for clearing and settling.
Civilian actors can negotiate who pays the tax on a given
transaction and the payers move those funds into an independent stream for
settlement. For example, I buy a $60,000
Porsche Boxster; then either the dealer, me, or both of us pay the combined
local, super local, or federal tax which say is a combined rate of 25%. In this
instance $15,000 separates from the original transaction and goes to a separate
clearing house with a result of $7500 going to either Germany or the European
Union; and $7500 going the taxing parties in the US, split correctly according
to agreements from the different regional entities.
At the Federal level, sales tax rates can be set on a
daily basis by the central bank. Regional governments can do the same thing and
those rates transmitted at any periodicity to the tax-clearing exchange.
In the case of my Porsche, my county, Fairfax, would receive
5% of the transaction ($3,000), VA would receive 4% of the transaction ($2400)
and the US would receive the remainder ($2,100). If I purchased a Corvette
instead of a Porsche then combined tax rate would apply but the US might change the chain of receipts and receive $7,500 instead of $2100 (and then divide that among the other authorities with a right to a tax payment).
If governments cannot criminalize commercial behaviors then
the need for anonymous cash transactions disappears and the use of cash
(potentially tax-free transactions) becomes minimal and may not be necessary at
all in the future.
Dreams aside, whatever the regulatory conditions, a basic
architectural model for a publicly provided payment network exists, however not
tuned for small value payments. If central banks within the Group of 20
provided a small value gross real time payment system (SVGRTP) then banking
domination of a critical public infrastructure, which creates huge costs to the
detriment of all but the payment system industry, functions correctly, and does not tax the
small small firms and individuals unfairly because of monopolistic practices.
What is it?
Functionally a small value gross real time payment system
(SVRTP) works the same as any gross real-time payment systems such as Fedwire,
however the design optimizes cost effectiveness for small values. Commercial
banks use the central bank (CB) to move small values to accounts registered
with the central bank. A user from the
public creates the registration directly with the CB and the CB maps the
registered account to commercial bank accounts with deposits at the CB. Diagram 1 shows the operational processes
once registrations become ubiquitous.

Although the central bank moves funds, the private payment
system industry will thrive. The CB authorizes or licenses auditors for payment
applications. The costs for payment applications will be borne by the
payers. Actual use of the SVGRTP needs
to stay free; operations funded from other sources. Funding comes from fees for
payment industry certifying new devices or new software for devices. Further
funding, if needed, will be CB fees to their account holders, transferable to
their customers using the SVGRTP.
The System must have interoperability within the Group of
Twenty. Enhancing small trade commerce is the goal of the SVGRTP. Users making
small payments seamlessly across international borders will measurably increase
the viability of micro, small, medium, and large firms worldwide.
There are many vested interests aligned against a public
provided payment network, The current network providers, card manufacturers,
point of sale providers, key management firms, issuing banks, acquirers,
forwarders, gateway providers, deferred netting providers, and other function
providers necessarily would disappear or adapt to a publicly provided worldwide
payment system.
Governments too will have concerns about such a structure,
particularly with payment access to contraband and potential for tax evasion.
Payment transactions cost become much lower. Security
becomes exponentially greater. Trade increases.
Benefits for
Tax modules instantly move funds from transaction to
multiple tax accounts defined by legitimate regional, federal, and local
governments. Diagram 2 shows the tax modules with the operational SVGRTP.
Some local governments would be too small to have accounts
with a CB, however they will always have a relationship with a government that
will have an account.
Immediate access to tax funds will be a strong selling point
for the SVGRTP. Further with the right treaties in place to cooperatively
assign jurisdictions for prosecution of criminal cases arising from the use of
the SVGRTP, most objections will be from those lobbied to protect the profits
of the status quo firms.
Next Blog: Either a feed back loop for the SVGRTP connected to a government treasury, or, a generic payment hub for less.